If you complete a Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) the processing time for your VA claim may decrease. Your private physician fills out a form explaining your diagnosis and the severity of your condition.
The VA will not pay for or reimburse you for any expenses associated with getting a DBQ form filled out by a private physician. Generally, VA physicians will not fill a DBQ or make a medical statement in support of a VA claim. As per VHA Directive 1134(1) D VA providers can if they choose to. Here is the directive: VHA Directive 1134(1)d .
Ask your physician if they are willing to fill out the DBQ form before you schedule your appointment. You will also need to submit an Authorization and Consent to Release form (VA 21-4142) to the VA for your DBQ. The form must be completed, printed and signed or the VA will not accept it.
Information about how the VA evaluates disabilities and what the VA considers a disability for rating purposes can be found in Title 38 of the United States Code and Title 38 of the Code of federal Regulations.
There is a DBQ available for most conditions ratable by the VA, but not all. You will need to have a VA exam for certain conditions.
DBQs were developed as a specific means to collect the necessary medical information required in the processing of Veterans disability claims. DBQs provide Veterans with a way to submit medical evidence from their health care provider to support their claims for disability benefits. Veterans can have their health care providers fill out and submit to VA any of the DBQs listed below that are appropriate for their claimed conditions.
It is important to note the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will not pay or reimburse any expenses or costs incurred in the process of completing and/or submitting DBQs completed by the Veteran’s healthcare provider. In most instances a Veteran is entitled to a no cost disability examination to be furnished by VA. In some instances, VA may determine an additional disability examination is still required to complete the claim for disability benefits. When a VA examination is scheduled, the claimant must cooperate by reporting for the examination.
It is intended that the DBQs will be completed by the Veteran's health care provider. All clinician information blocks at the bottom of the DBQs must be completed and the form signed and dated by the clinician completing the DBQ. VA reserves the right to confirm the authenticity of ALL DBQs completed by health care providers. Information submitted is subject to verification through computer matching programs with other agencies or any other means deemed appropriate by VA.
We make no claims as to how helpful these may be in the outcome of a veteran’s case nor are we providing advice; we are simply providing access to this resource to allow veterans the greatest choice and control over the VA claims process.